Contact Us
Helping is what we do best. Look below for our general contact information, as well as information for specific needs like Contracts or Accounts Receivable.
TeamCare Members
More than 500,000 members rely on TeamCare for our inclusive benefits, extensive network, and superior service. If you’re a member wanting to contact TeamCare, please reference the contact information below.
Speak with a Benefits Specialist
Local Union
For Our Employers
TeamCare is dedicated to ensuring that our Employer partners have the resources at their disposal to conduct their benefit processes as efficiently as possible.
Central States Funds
Contract Department
Contract Department
8647 W. Higgins Rd
1-800-323-2152 ext. 3247
W/D Liability
Central States Funds
Withdrawal Liability Department
Withdrawal Liability Department
6847 W. Higgins Rd
1-800-323-2152 ext. 3800
Accounts Receivable
Central States Funds
Accounts Receivable Department
Accounts Receivable Department
8647 W. Higgins Rd
1-800-323-2152 ext. 3589
Mailing Address
While most documents and updates can be sent to our general mailing address below, please note that certain member documents such as health claims and life insurance correspondence need to be mailed to specific addresses. These addresses can be found on the main TeamCare website.